How to use meditation for motivation: a step-by-step guide

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA
If you're feeling stuck or unmotivated, meditation may be just what you need. Explore why meditation can boost your motivation, and a step-by-step guide to try it yourself.
We all know what it’s like to have “meh” days when you can’t find the energy to start or finish anything. Maybe you’re facing a tough project, trying to stay consistent with a workout routine, or just looking for a little spark to get through your day, yet you make zero progress.
On days like these, even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming, and motivation feels far out of reach. The good news is that when motivation is missing, there are tools you can turn to — and meditation could be just the one you need.
Meditation helps clear away the mental clutter and stress that often hold you back, creating a balanced, calm state that can allow motivation to flow. Trying out meditation for motivation is all about learning to work with your mind in a way that can make staying motivated feel natural, not forced. And if it works for you, it’s a quick fix that brings some real long-term benefits (like these 12.) Here’s what you need to know to regain your focus and move forward.
Does meditation help motivation?
On those days where you’re dragging, meditation can give you that little boost to help with motivation. When you’re feeling unmotivated, it’s usually because your mind is cluttered with worries, stress, or thoughts of everything you need to do. Meditation helps you pause and regain mental clarity. It doesn’t solve all your problems at once, but it gives you space to step back, which can make whatever you’re facing feel a lot more manageable.
When you’re stressed, it’s easy to get caught up and stuck in doubts, fears, and “what-ifs.” With regular meditation, you learn to notice these negative thoughts without letting them take over. This helps you let go of the thoughts that aren’t helpful—like self-doubt or fear of failure—and shift your focus back to what really matters to you.
Meditation isn’t just a short-term fix, either. It also builds resilience, which helps you stay motivated over time. When challenges arise, people who meditate regularly often find it easier to stay calm, bounce back, and keep moving toward their goals.
Studies on meditation and motivation
Getting clear on the link between meditation and improved motivation can help us believe and trust the process. Scientific studies have found that meditation not only calms the mind but also positively impacts focus, resilience, and overall mood.
These studies also suggest that meditation strengthens your inner drive, allowing you to stay motivated and push through mental or emotional blocks — what’s not to love? If you’re still a bit skeptical, take a look at the ways meditation boosts motivation.
Improved focus and attention: Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation helps improve concentration and attention span, both of which play essential roles in staying motivated.
Reduced procrastination: Research suggests that people who meditate regularly report reduced procrastination. By helping to manage stress, meditation improves how we approach work and personal goals, reducing avoidance behaviors. (Are you currently procrastinating on a task? Check out these nine tips to get back on track).
Greater resilience and persistence: Meditation enhances our resilience, allowing us to stick to our goals, even through setbacks. Studies have shown that people who meditate regularly often have higher levels of emotional stability, which makes it easier to persist through challenges and stay motivated. If you also find yourself struggling to control your emotions lately, these nine tips can help —and guess what, they also include meditation!
How to use meditation for motivation: a step-by-step guide
Whether you’re a total beginner to meditating or looking to build up an existing practice, meditation is a simple, quick way to reconnect with your goals. Even on days when motivation feels low, this step-by-step guide can help you get ready to take on the day.
It’s a short practice that can be done wherever you can find a bit of peace and quiet. Try incorporating it into your daily routine to fuel your motivation over the long term.
1. Find a quiet space without distractions
Begin by finding a comfortable, quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy — just a place where you can sit and focus. Turn off your phone or put it on silent, and get yourself into a comfortable position (check out these five seated positions for inspo).
Taking a few minutes to prepare your space (and your body) can make it easier for your mind to quiet down as you settle into your meditation practice.
2. Set your intention before you get started
Before closing your eyes, take a moment to think about what you want to accomplish today or in the coming days. Your intention could be a big-picture goal, like moving forward on a long-term project, or something smaller, like simply staying focused or calm.
Keep this intention simple and direct. Phrasing it as a positive statement can help, like “I am focused” or “I am capable of reaching my goals.” This step helps you connect to your motivation from the beginning, creating a clear purpose to guide you through the meditation.
3. Focus on your breathing to stay present
Once you’re settled, close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax more with each one. Notice the feeling of the air as it enters and leaves your body. Try to keep your focus on your breathing, letting it be the anchor that keeps you in the present moment. If your mind starts to wander (which is completely normal), gently bring your attention back to your breath.
This focus on breathing helps calm your mind, making it easier to let go of any stress or distractions that may be blocking your motivation.
💙 Learn how to Breathe Into Relaxation with guidance from Jay Shetty.
4. Visualize your goal to boost motivation
After you’ve spent one or two minutes focusing on the breath, take a few more minutes to visualize yourself achieving your goal or completing the tasks that will move you closer to it. Keep your eyes closed to picture it as vividly as possible — imagine the sights, sounds, and feelings that come with your success.
You might even visualize yourself taking specific steps, like reviewing your work presentation slides and practicing your speech or going to the gym and getting through your workout routine without distractions. If your goal is personal, imagine how it will feel to accomplish it and how it will improve your life.
This visualization not only boosts motivation by making your goal feel real and achievable but also strengthens your commitment to making it happen.
💙 Hear directly from, Lex Gillette, Blind Paralympian and four-time world champion, as he shares the power of Envisioning Success.
5. Build a positive inner dialogue for long-term support
Choose a simple, positive phrase or mantra that resonates with you and your goal. For example, you might say to yourself, “I know I am doing the best that I can at work,” “I have the energy to succeed,” or simply, “I can do this.” Repeat this mantra quietly to yourself, either in your mind or out loud, for a few minutes.
Using a mantra helps reinforce positive thoughts and blocks out any negative self-talk that might undermine your motivation. As you repeat the mantra, you’re nurturing a positive inner dialogue that can help sustain your motivation throughout the day.
6. Turn thought into action with one small step
As you wrap up your meditation, take a moment to reflect on your intention and the goal you visualized. Remind yourself of why it’s important to you and the positive impact it will have. Then, make a small commitment to take at least one step toward that goal today, even if it’s something simple. This could be sending an email, writing down a to-do list of actions needed, or just doing the first five minutes of a bigger task.
This final step creates a sense of momentum that you can carry with you, making it easier to turn your motivation into action.
7. Transition gently back to your day
When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes. Take a few moments to reorient yourself, maybe stretching or taking a few deep breaths before you stand up. Notice how you feel and take a moment to appreciate the calm and focused mindset you’ve created in only a few minutes.
Moving gently back into your day helps keep that sense of calm intact, allowing you to carry the benefits of your meditation with you.
💙 Find your Motivation with Dr. Julie Smith’s series on how to Build Habits that Actually Stick.
Meditation for motivation FAQs
Can meditation help with motivation?
Yes! Meditation can boost motivation by providing a break from stress and distractions, allowing you to see your goals more clearly. It promotes calm focus, reduces self-doubt, and enhances self-awareness, making it easier to connect with what you truly want.
Regular practice helps you let go of unhelpful worries and also builds inner confidence, enabling you to approach goals without fear or hesitation. And if you’re looking for more ways to boost your self-confidence, check out these 13 tips.
How long does it take for meditation to impact motivation?
Meditating may provide you with a sense of immediate calm or reduced stress, which can increase motivation levels throughout the rest of your day. With regular practice—even if that’s only 5 or 10 minutes a day—most people notice improvements in focus, energy, and motivation within weeks.
Building a consistent routine is key to boosting your motivation, reducing avoidance and enjoying enhanced focus in the longer term. These 11 tips can help you start meditating daily.
Can meditation replace other motivational strategies?
Meditation is a powerful motivational tool — especially when combined with other strategies. A regular meditation practice creates a positive, focused mindset, which can enhance the effectiveness of other motivational strategies like goal-setting, planning, and organizing.
While meditation helps with resilience and focus, it doesn't provide all the structure needed to achieve complex goals. Integrating meditation with other motivational strategies—such as creating to-do lists and setting deadlines—lets you work on both mindset and methods. It’s all about finding the combination that suits you best for staying motivated in the longer term.
How does visualization work in meditation?
Visualization in meditation involves vividly imagining yourself achieving a goal, whether it’s completing an important work project or crossing the finish line of your first 5K.
Use your senses: Picturing the experience and emotions associated with success reinforces the idea that your goals are attainable.
Be ready: Visualization boosts motivation by creating a sense of confidence and readiness, making action feel more natural.
Overcome challenges: Over time, visualization strengthens your connection to your goals and helps maintain motivation, even when faced with obstacles.
What’s the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in meditation?
Intrinsic motivation: This stems from personal satisfaction and fulfillment. Meditation supports intrinsic motivation directly through building self-awareness, helping you recognise and work towards meaningful personal goals that make it easier to stay motivated over time.
Extrinsic motivation: This is driven by external rewards like praise or tangible benefits. Meditation supports extrinsic motivation indirectly by reducing stress and improving focus, which can help you to achieve external rewards.
While meditation can support both intrinsic and external motivation, it encourages you to focus on developing a stronger sense of intrinsic motivation. This helps you to pursue your goals with clarity and balance, without relying solely on external incentives. These 10 tips for motivation could inspire you to take your motivation one step further.
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