20 reflection questions to help you have a mindful new year

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA
Ready to start the new year with clarity and purpose? Explore 20 journal prompts and reflection questions to help you celebrate 2024 and set intentions for 2025.
Can you believe another year is almost behind us? Odds are, you accomplished—and endured—a lot more than you realize. Whether 2024 was full of milestones, unexpected twists, or more challenges than you could’ve ever predicted, taking a moment to process everything can help you move forward with more confidence and clarity.
Journaling is one of our favorite ways to do this. When you get your thoughts down on paper, you’re better able to see your journey and understand what makes you tick. Prompts can guide you through this process, making it easier to recognize your wins, forgive yourself for missteps, and get excited about what’s next.
This list of reflection questions is designed to help you wrap up 2024 with gratitude and step into 2025 with intention. Take your time, enjoy the process, and remember: There’s no right or wrong way to reflect — just showing up for yourself is enough.
10 reflection questions for 2024
Before jumping into the excitement of the new year, it’s important to take a moment to look back on everything 2024 brought your way. Reflecting on the highs and lows can help you process your experiences and appreciate how far you’ve come. Even if the year didn’t go as planned, there’s almost always something to learn and celebrate.
These questions are here to guide you through that reflection process. Use them to honor your achievements, acknowledge your challenges, and identify the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
As you work through these questions, go at your own pace. Write as much or as little as you want, and don’t worry about it being “perfect.” This is your reflection, and it’s meant to help you feel good about where you’ve been and hopeful about where you’re going. (As for perfectionism, here are six tips for letting it go.)
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
There’s so much that can happen in one year and so often it all flies by in the blink of an eye. Take some time to think about a moment you felt really proud of yourself and how it impacted the rest of your year. There’s no wrong answers here. Big or small, it all counts.
2. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
No one wants to dwell on the negative but reflecting on tough times can show you just how strong and resilient you are. Maybe make a list of a few things that were tough and how you dealt with them. What did you learn? And how will you handle tough moments in the new year? (If this was a particularly tough year, you may want to check out 15 mindful tips for overcoming adversity.)
3. What moments brought you the most joy?
Once you’ve reflected on the tough moments, move on and get into the joy! Think about the times you laughed, felt loved, or had a great day. What were the circumstances? Were you with loved ones? Who had your back? (Maybe it was you!) Whatever the details, take a few moments to bask in the glow of the good times.
4. What did you learn about yourself this year?
This isn’t always an easy question to answer, but whether it was a good, bad, or just okay year, you probably learned a lot about yourself. Maybe you discovered a new strength, a passion, or a habit that needs changing. Maybe you learned that you’re more resilient than you thought you were. Take some time to jot it all down.
5. Who made a positive impact on your life, and how did they help you?
No (wo)man is an island and our people can really make tough times brighter. Take a moment to appreciate the people who supported and inspired you this past year. Maybe they were people you know personally, or maybe they were artists or public figures who inspired you.
6. What are you most grateful for as the year ends?
Gratitude shifts your focus to the good things, no matter how small they may seem. Take some time to think of what you were grateful for in the last year. It could be a relationship you have with someone, your pet, or even your local barista. Grateful is grateful! (To cultivate a more grateful mindset, try these eight exercises.)
7. How did you spend your time, and did it align with your priorities?
As the year flies by we might miss how much of our time we spend working, socializing, playing, working on personal growth, etc… Looking at where your time went can help you decide what to focus on next year. Take a look back at your calendar or even your camera roll to facilitate this reflection if needed.
8. What habits served you well, and which ones didn’t?
Did you quit biting your nails this past year? Or take up daily mindful walks? Reflecting on your routines can help you decide what to keep and what to change. Pro tip: Sometimes it helps to list out the good habits you picked up, and the not-so-god habits you want to kick. Remember it’s all about growth, not just achieving goals.
9. What are you proud of that you didn’t expect to achieve?
We all have goals or dreams we’re working towards—and to do lists to get there—but so often life unfolds in pretty unexpected ways. Scan back through the past year for surprising events and accomplishments that you found yourself in, and how they made you feel. These could be big or small, it all counts.
10. If you could sum up this year in one word, what would it be?
Find a single word that captures the essence of your year. It may not be easy, but trying to zero in on the theme or overall feeling of the last 365 days allows you to see common threads that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Once you have your word, reflect on all the ways it showed up in your days and months.
💙 Tamara Levitt’s Relationship with Self series is a collection of sessions designed to strengthen your relationship with yourself — the perfect listen as you prep for a new year.
10 journal prompts for a mindful new year
The start of a new year feels like a clean slate — a chance to dream, set intentions, and create a plan for what’s ahead. But instead of rushing into a long list of resolutions, consider taking a slower, more mindful approach. Think about what really matters to you. What brings you joy? What makes you feel grounded and fulfilled?
These journal prompts can help you connect with your values and set more meaningful goals for 2025. Whether you’re aiming for big changes or just hoping to maintain steady progress, these questions are a starting point, not a to-do list. You don’t have to answer them all at once — just pick the ones that resonate with you and revisit them whenever you need inspiration. Writing down your thoughts, even if it’s just a few words, can help you feel more grounded and intentional.
Remember, there’s no pressure to have everything figured out right away. The beauty of journaling is that it evolves with you.
1. What do you want more of in the new year?
Think about the things that made you happiest this past year. Was it the experiences you had with others, quiet time you carved out for yourself, or maybe the feeling of accomplishing a goal you set for yourself? Whatever it was that made you feel your best, consider how you could bring more of those vibes into 2025. You could even get specific on the when/where/how you will incorporate them into your life.
2. What is one habit or routine you’d like to start in 2025?
Get clear on one thing that could help you feel your best next year. Maybe it’s something simple, like drinking more water, or something bigger, like practicing mindfulness a few times a week. No matter the size, get curious about how you might start building this habit in a way that feels fun and manageable.
3. What are your top three priorities for the year ahead?
Take some time to consider what matters to you most in the coming year. These could be big picture goals or dreams, or you could get more specific on tasks or milestones you’re hoping to accomplish. Either way, get clear on a few key areas that you want to be your guiding posts in 2025.
4. How will you take care of your mental and physical health in 2025?
Try to keep it simple for this one. Sure, there are so many things you could do to boost your health, but the reality is that taking small steps is always the best way to accomplish big goals. So, think about the little actions you can take to feel your best, inside and out. And consider how you will work these small steps into your daily or weekly routine.
5. What are you excited to learn or try this year?
Have some fun with this one. What activity lights you up when you think about doing it? Whether it’s a skill, hobby, or experience, let yourself get excited about the idea of trying something new in 2025. You might even start to make a plan for how you’ll go about it!
6. What is one thing you’ll say no to in the new year?
We’re all guilty of saying yes when we really mean no, so make a plan of how you can honor what you can’t (or just don’t want to) do this year. What will you let go of to protect your energy? And how will you communicate about it? Remember: Setting boundaries isn’t always easy but it is a form of self-care. Here are eight tips to help you speak up in your relationships.
7. How will you make time for the people who matter most?
We’re all way too busy, but that doesn’t change the fact that connection is critical to our mental (and physical) health and worth investing in. So think about ways to nurture your relationships in 2025. Whether through checking in regularly, spending more quality time together, or making small gestures of kindness, any time spent connecting with the people you love is time well spent.
8. What is one way you can be kinder to yourself in 2025?
Self-critism is out and self-compassion is in. Consider how you can treat yourself with a little more kindness and understanding in the upcoming year. Because trust us, you deserve it. And if you are coming up empty, check out these 10 ways to cultivate self-kindness.
9. If 2025 is your dream year, what happens?
Let your imagination run wild. Picture the best-case scenario of the coming year and what it would feel like to achieve it. Get specific on what would happen and all the emotions that it brings up. We often spend so much time imagining how things could go wrong or not work out as we hoped, so why not take some time to use your imagination for good.
10. What is your guiding word or phrase for the year?
Let’s be real, we can have the greatest of intentions but when life starts lifeing, all those beautiful plans go out the window. Which is why choosing a short mantra or theme can help to keep you focused and inspired throughout the year, no matter what comes your way. You could write it on a post-it, make a reminder on your phone, whatever you need to do to keep this guidance top of mind.
💙 Love yourself for who you are. Mel Mah’s Self-Acceptance session contains a series of gentle moves to help you nurture your relationship with yourself.
New year questions FAQs
What are good New Year’s resolution questions?
Good New Year’s resolutions questions help you focus on what really matters — and what feels realistic for the year ahead. Instead of thinking about what you should do, try exploring what would actually make you happiest. You might ask yourself something like, “What’s one habit that would make my daily life better?” or “What small steps would help me accomplish a big goal?”
Think about questions that inspire you to take meaningful action without overwhelming yourself. It might also be helpful to think about your values. Ask yourself, “What do I want my life to reflect this year?” and “How can I spend more time doing things that are important to me?” By being honest with yourself, you can set resolutions that feel personal and motivating — not like a chore.
How long should I spend on new year journal prompts?
There’s no set amount of time you have to spend on journal prompts — it’s all about what works for you. If you’re someone who enjoys diving deep into reflection, you might want to set aside a half hour or so to thoughtfully answer a few questions. On the other hand, if you want to keep things simple, you can spend 5-10 minutes jotting down quick answers to one or two prompts. The key is to let the process feel natural.
You might also find that your time spent journaling changes depending on your mood. Some days, a quick reflection might be all you need, while other days, you might feel like exploring your thoughts and feelings in more detail. The most important thing is to listen to yourself and journal in a way that feels useful.
Can journaling help with setting and tracking resolutions?
Yes, journaling can be a powerful tool for setting and tracking your New Year’s resolutions. Writing down your goals can make them more concrete and keep them fresh in your mind. It also helps you make a plan to achieve them and stay on track.
You can also use your journal to check in with yourself, reflect on challenges, and celebrate your wins — no matter how small they might seem. If your resolution is to exercise more, you could jot down a quick note each time you complete a workout. Over time, seeing those notes pile up can be very motivating.
Journaling also gives you a chance to adjust your goals if needed. If something isn’t working, you can reflect on why and brainstorm a new approach!
How can I stay consistent with journaling throughout the year?
Staying consistent with journaling doesn’t have to be complicated. The trick is to make it easy and fun. Start by setting a realistic schedule that fits your life. You might decide to journal once a week or even just once a month. Also, choose a time that feels natural, like Sunday evenings when you’re winding down from the weekend or a quiet Saturday morning while you have your coffee.
Sometimes, staring at a blank page can feel intimidating, but having a specific question to answer can spark your thoughts. Also, keep your journal in a convenient place—whether that’s a notebook on your nightstand or a journaling app on your phone—so it’s always within reach when inspiration strikes.
And of course, be kind to yourself if you miss a day, week, or even month. Journaling isn’t about being perfect — it’s about creating a space for yourself to reflect and grow. Pick it back up whenever you’re ready, and remember that consistency doesn’t mean doing it daily, but rather, coming back to it when you can.
Over time, you might find that journaling becomes a habit you look forward to.
What are fun New Year’s Eve questions for a group?
New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, connection, and reflection — and what better way to enjoy the night than by spending time with your favorite people? Whether you’re hosting a party or having a cozy gathering at home, asking fun and thoughtful questions is a great way to bond.
These prompts are perfect for sparking conversations that are lighthearted, nostalgic, and with a little luck, a little inspiring. You can take turns answering them, write them down, or even make them into a game. Have fun with it!
What’s the funniest thing that happened to you this year? Share a moment that made you laugh out loud, whether it was a silly mistake, a funny story, or an unexpected surprise.
What’s a song that sums up your year? Whether it’s a song you played on repeat or lyrics that capture your vibe, this is a fun way to relive the year through music.
If you could relive one moment from 2024, what would it be? Think about a memory that brought you pure joy or a moment you wish you could experience again.
If your year were a movie, what would it be? Comedy, drama, adventure, or just a classic you’ve always loved, choose a flick that seems to sum up the ups and downs of your year.
What’s one thing you’re looking forward to in 2025? Whether it’s a trip, a personal goal, or simply starting fresh, share why you’re looking forward to the year ahead.
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